Friday, November 19, 2010

2011 Extra Help Resource Limits

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has just released the resource limits which will be in effect in 2011 for Medicare beneficiaries to receive “extra help” with their Part D prescription drug benefit. This is also known as the “low-income subsidy” (LIS). The resource limits for 2011 are:

For the full low-income income subsidy, resources may not exceed:
$8,180 for an individual or $13,020 for a married couple.

For the other (partial) low-income income subsidy, resources may not exceed:
$12,640 for an individual or $25,260 for a married couple.

(For 2010, these limits are:

For the full low-income income subsidy, resources may not exceed:
$8,100 for an individual or $12,910 for a married couple.

For the other (partial) low-income income subsidy, resources may not exceed:
$12,510 for an individual or $25,010 for a married couple.)

(Note that all of these limits include the $1,500 per person burial expense “disregard.” That is, these are the limits which apply if the beneficiary intends to use $1,500 ($3,000 for a couple) of their resources toward their burial expenses.)

Also note that at this point the income limits will remain as they have been in effect for 2009 and 2010. They may be changed if there is a change in the federal poverty levels (FPL); typically this is announced in January of each year. Those who have had their extra help determined using the current income limits will NOT have their limits recalculated, rather only new applicants for extra help will be subject to the 2011 income limits, if they change.

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